Youth Services Program is a program that is direct response to the growing number of young people that are either falling through the crack at school or are already entangled with the juvenile court system. Poverty Rescue Mission offers at-risk youth the opportunity to make a dramatic change in their lives. The program is positioned to be most assessable to young people who otherwise would be swept into the juvenile court syetem or frequent school dentention. The goal of this program is to identify youths who are going to have a turbulent transition to adulthood and offer positive support system to avoid the pitfalls that can derail their lives. The focus is slightly different at each level. At the elementry school level, mentors strive to guide the young person back into the mainstream of class activity in order to destroy the nagetive reinforcers that can turn a student off school.
With the middle school students, Poverty Rescue Mission provides a mentors that serve as developmental role models for young people looking for direction. Sometimes it is as easy as a young person identifying with his mentor rather than a person involved in criminal or destructive activities. Once a student has entered high school with a history of classroom desturbances and poor academic skills. Poverty Rescue Mission has found that group activities can services as a powerful reinforcer of hopeful behavior.
Currently,middle school youth disturbances are the majority of students being served by Poverty Rescue Mission. Elementary children represent a critical group as they progress through school. Children between the age of five to eleven disturbances close to 40% of the children attending public schools.Poverty Rescue Mission have identify all this problems. With you and your support, we will work to reduce this situation